electric sweeper meaning in Chinese
- We that one a of specialities produce little electrical home appliances the enterprises of productses , locate in and enjoy " mould of china city " , the yuyao of zhejiang of titles of " plastic of china city " ; from 60 kilometers of ports in ningbo , exports 5 kilometers from high speed yuyao of turtledove of hangzhou of shanghai , geographical environment is superior , complete auxiliary facility , produce electric sweeper , electric toothbrush , steam cleaner , car refrigerator , popcorn maker , etc
我司地处享有“中国塑料城” “中国模具城”之称的浙江余姚,距宁波港口60km ,离沪杭甬高速余姚出口5km ,地理环境优越,配套设施完备。是一家集研发生产出口于一体的小家电系列产品的专业厂家,主要生产电动扫地机电动牙刷蒸汽清洁器爆米花机汽车冰箱等,产品通过tuv gs ce认证,质量第一,交货及时,竭诚欢迎国内外客商与我们联系,共同建立业务合作关系。